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Greece Submits 2013 Draft Budget

Elizabeth Johnson |
October 1, 2012 | 2:29 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Greece saw similar anti-austerity protests in 2008. (Flickr/Creative Commons)
Greece saw similar anti-austerity protests in 2008. (Flickr/Creative Commons)
Greece’s government submitted its 2013 draft budget Monday, featuring huge spending cuts and prompting labor unions to plan new anti-austerity strikes, following last week’s protests in Athens which turned violent.

About $10 billion (or 8 billion euros) worth of cuts have been proposed in the draft budget, the New York Times reports, primarily in areas of public-sector pay, pensions and welfare. 


READ MORE: Greece Protest Over Spending Cuts Turns Ugly

The budget will likely be revised drastically before meeting approval by Greece’s foreign lenders. 

The draft budget includes predictions that Greece’s economy will shrink by 6.5 percent this year, an estimate worse than the troika’s previous figure of 4.8 percent. 

READ MORE: Unemployment Numbers, Budget Cuts Highlight Struggling French Economy

The budget also predicts that unemployment will rise from 23.5 percent to nearly a quarter of the workforce – 24.7 percent.

READ MORE: The European Debt Crisis In America

Spain also saw two days of protests in Madrid last week, and the government rolled out its fifth austerity package in nine months, announcing plans to borrow $267 billion (207.2 billion euros) in 2013. 

Read the full story at the New York Times.

Follow Neon Tommy's coverage of the European debt crisis here.

Reach Executive Producer Elizabeth Johnson here. Follow her on Twitter here.



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