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Neon Tommy - Annenberg digital news

Fungus Found At Meningitis-Linked Firm

Amanda Martinez |
October 23, 2012 | 3:18 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer


(Creative Commons)
(Creative Commons)
The Massachusetts firm linked to the deadly outbreak of meningitis that sickened 300 and killed 23 was found to have visible specks of fungus in its steroids, state officials announced Tuesday.

The inspection also uncovered a leaking boiler near an apparent clean room, which helped fuel Gov. Deval Patrick and the state of Massachusetts to revoke the license of the New England Compounding Center. Three pharmacists at the firm could also have their licenses pulled.

The NECC shipped orders for the tainted steroid shots up to 11 days prior to receiving test results that determine sterility on the batches. 

In wake of the outbreak, Gov. Patrick has ordered the state's pharmacy board to conduct surprise inspections on other firms throughout Massachusetts.


Read the full story at the Associated Press.

Read more of Neon Tommy's coverage on meningitis here.

Reach Supervising Executive Producer Amanda Martinez here.



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