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Eleven Terrorist Suspects Arrested

Hannah Madans |
October 28, 2012 | 4:02 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Indonesia's antiterror squad arrested 11 people suspected of planning bomb attacks on a U.S. Embassy in Jakarta. (Creative Commons)
Indonesia's antiterror squad arrested 11 people suspected of planning bomb attacks on a U.S. Embassy in Jakarta. (Creative Commons)
Indonesia's antiterror squad arrested 11 people suspected of planning bomb attacks on a U.S. Embassy in Jakarta and several other locations.

Police spokesman Maj. Gen. Suhardi Aliyus told the Daily Beast that the terrorists were part of a new organization know as the Sunni Movement for Indonesian Society (HASMI).

The 11 suspected members were arrested Friday and Saturday after officials found they were attempting to bomb the U.S. Embassy, a plaza near the Australian Embassy, the office of a U.S. mining company, the U.S. Consulate in Surbaya and the headquarters of a special police force in Java.

Police seized bombs, explosive materials, a bomb-making manual and ammunition, reports the Associated Press. Videos of attacks on Muslims in various parts of the world were also discovered.

Police are still investigating how far the plans had advanced and possible ties to other terrorist organizations.

Reach Executive Producer Hannah Madans here.



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