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Obama To Designate Cesar Chavez Home As National Monument

Jackie Mansky |
October 6, 2012 | 3:52 p.m. PDT

Excecutive Producer

Cesar Chavez's home will be designated as a national monument Monday.(Creative Commons/Wikipedia)
Cesar Chavez's home will be designated as a national monument Monday.(Creative Commons/Wikipedia)
President Obama will designate Latino Labor Leader Cesar Chavez’s home a national monument when he visits it on his campaign trip to California Monday.

The 105 acres of property, where Chavez and many organizers lived, trained and strategized, will be put within the National Park system, the Associated Press reported.

ABC News reported that Obama's move to designate the monument “could help shore up support” from Hispanic and progressive voters before the election.


Currently Obama has the backing of 70 percent of likely Latino voters, according to the CNN/ORC International survey which was released Wednesday.


On Sunday, while the president was in Los Vegas he rallied supporters in a Latino neighborhood of the city where his campaign is trying to boost turnout and enthusiasm, the Los Angeles Times reported.

In a statement Obama praised Chavez for creating a voice for workers.

“Cesar Chavez gave a voice to poor and disenfranchised workers everywhere,” Obama said in a statement. “La Paz was at the center of some of the most significant civil rights moments in our nation’s history, and by designating it a national monument, Chavez’s legacy will be preserved and shared to inspire generations to come.”

Read more of Neon Tommy's coverage of President Obama here.

Reach Executive Producer Jackie Mansky here.





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