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Celebrity Style To Copy: Rumi Neely

Sridevi Reddy |
October 22, 2012 | 2:32 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

(Image Courtesy Polyvore)
(Image Courtesy Polyvore)
Since the creation of her blog, Fashiontoast, five years ago, 29-year-old Rumi Neely has become a well-known fashion icon in both America and Asia. Having been featured on TeenVogue, Refinery29, and WhoWhatWear Daily, Neely's distinct style is a perfect blend of bohemian, grunge and feminine influences.

Not many people can pull off wearing a velvet blazer with a floppy hat without looking like they are trying WAY too hard, but Neely somehow does. Her wardrobe is a beautiful collection of fringe, velvet, leather, lace, and chiffon.

Reading through her blog, it is clear that Neely is a master at mixing high and low end pieces. All of her outfits consist of clothing and accessories ranging from Forever 21, H&M, and Zara to Michael Kors, Jeffrey Campbell, and Balenciaga, She borrows much of her fashion inspiration from models Erin Wasson and Daria Werbowy.

Essentials: Long blazers, ankle booties, leather shorts/skirts/pants, shift dresses, fringed tops, faux-fur jackets/vests.


Reach Staff Reporter Sridevi Reddy here and follow her here.



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