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Fidel Castro Makes First Public Appearance In Months

Hannah Madans |
October 21, 2012 | 11:33 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

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Former Venezuelan Vice President Elias Jaua said he met with Fidel Castro Saturday. Jaua showed the Associated Press photos of the meeting.

This comes after rumors that Castro was very ill, possibly even on his deathbed.

Haua said Castro accompanied him to Hotel Nacional in Havana.

An official at Hotel Nacional confirmed that
Castro was seen there yesterday, according to the Daily Beast.

This appearance was Castro's first in months.

For awhile now, there has been speculation that Castro is in poor health. It increased Oct. 7 when he failed to congratulate ally and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on his electoral victory.

Castro has not made any appearances since March and stopped writing his opinion pieces in June, reports the AP.

The appearance Saturday and subsequent photographs look to squash what Cuba is saying are false and malicious rumors about Castro, according to the AP. 


Reach Executive Producer Hannah Madans here.



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