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Wal-March 50 Mile Pilgrimage Makes It To L.A. City Hall

Angelina T. Velasquez |
September 18, 2012 | 10:04 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Warehouse workers stand alongside Marty Morgenstern as he gives a speech. (Angelina T. Velasquez)
Warehouse workers stand alongside Marty Morgenstern as he gives a speech. (Angelina T. Velasquez)

Hundreds of warehouse workers finished the final leg of their six-day pilgrimage on Tuesday that spanned 50 miles from the Inland Empire to the front steps of City Hall in Los Angeles.

Their cause, reportedly deplorable working conditions within warehouses, has become nationwide news and increased concerns of workers' treatment and working conditions in various Southern California warehouses.

Campaign Director Guadalupe Palma from Warehouse Workers United led Tuesday's rally that included guest speakers such as U.S. Rep. Judy Chu, secretary-treasurer of the L.A. County Federation of Labor; and Marty Morgenstern, California Labor Secretary, Office of Gov. Jerry Brown.

Below, a warehouse worker, Rueben, spoke on his working conditions and how he hopes Wal-Mart will react to the "Wal-March." 

Reach Staff Reporter Angelina T. Velasquez here.



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