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USC Football Notebook: Lane Kiffin Prematurely Ends Presser

Will Robinson |
September 19, 2012 | 3:29 p.m. PDT

Senior Sports Editor

Coach Kiffin only stuck around practice for one question Wednesday. (Shotgun Spratling/NT)
Coach Kiffin only stuck around practice for one question Wednesday. (Shotgun Spratling/NT)
USC Athletics has stressed to media this year that disclosing injuries and injury updates is prohibited.

It was practically applied Wednesday. During coach Lane Kiffin's media scrum, the first question asked was tangentially about an injured player. Kiffin replied with, "I don’t know." While the second question was being asked, Kiffin said, "I gotta go," and ran off, ending the presser.

This was not the first run-in with Kiffin and injury-related questions.

Last week, L.A. Daily News reporter Scott Wolf reported kicker Andre Heidari underwent knee surgery. Wolf was banned for the next two games and from practice for two weeks, before the suspension was overturned.

Anyway, with no Lane, the focus turned to papa Monte Kiffin about this week’s task against California’s dangerous offensive playmakers.

Monte Kiffin thought his defense played well but could definitely improve and must be wary of the Golden Bears, as did a couple of his players. 

"[Tailback Brendan Bigelow] against Ohio state had a very good game," linebacker Dion Bailey said. "Keenan Allen is very capable of busting open big plays at any moment, so you gotta stay on your P's and Q's."

One defender did not expect last Saturday’s result at Stanford.

"I was really surprised, still am to this day," freshman defensive end Leonard Williams said. "They just came out hard and wanted it."

All they are focused on is to get to Cal and get the Stanford loss behind them, as Bailey stated. 

"It's very important [to get on the field Saturday and perform," the redshirt sophomore said.



Reach Senior Sports Editor Will Robinson here. Follow him here.



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