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Obama's Speech Infuriates One Golden Florist

Chhaya Nene |
September 14, 2012 | 9:49 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter


Betty Gleaton, owner of ‘Pocket Full of Posies’ ---a family owned floral shop in Golden, CO--- is upset that President Barack Obama visited her town Thursday. Several local businesses small business owners in Golden are unhappy with the president and his policies, according to Gleaton. 

Obamacare is a miserable idea that is going to affect small businesses,” said Gleaton.  

President Obama’s speech in her town focused on foreign policy, tax cuts, education, and the middle class.

“The path I choose may be harder but it is a better path,” said President Obama. Betty Gleaton can’t disagree more, “Whether its economic policy, foreign policy, I don’t agree with any of his positions. As far as business he (President Obama) needs to give up on his restrictions, the less government the better. I’m a libertarian so I believe in a very minimal government, not in a socialist style government, where the government has a finger in everything.” 

During the Obama’s speech, the president promised to, “bring those who killed our fellow Americans to justice.” The president was referring to those killed abroad in response to an Anti-Islamic video. Gleaton does not approve of the president’s foreign policy. 

“His policy has lead to four years of apologizing to every country for everything we ever did, which in my opinion has been to save everybody else’s butt,” said Gleaton. 

Gleaton hopes that one day a president “would evoke a flat tax where people could have the freedom to do whatever they would like with their personal incomes.”

Reach Reporter Chhaya Nene here.



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