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Obama Tries To Build A “Buzz”

Jackie Mansky |
September 2, 2012 | 10:49 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

The recipes for two of the three beers brewed at the white house were released, Saturday. (Creative Commons/Wikipedia)
The recipes for two of the three beers brewed at the white house were released, Saturday. (Creative Commons/Wikipedia)
It has been known for some time now that Obama travels with White House homebrew during his campaign stops.

Back in April, the press had gotten curious enough about it that they questioned White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, the Denver Post reported.

The Post:

“Who is the beermaster? What kind of beer is it? And is the transport of the brew across state lines something the treasury department needs to worry about?”

Now, the recipe for two of the beers is out. In a blog post entitled "Ale to the Chief," White House Assistant Chef and Senior Policy Advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives Sam Kass released the recipes for the experimental brews.

According to the Chicago Tribune, the key ingredient for both the White House Honey Brown Ale and the White House Honey Porter, is honey, which comes from the White House's first-ever beehive.

The "honey gives the beer a rich aroma and a nice finish but it doesn't sweeten it," the Tribune reported.

However the real ingredient in the beer, seems to be the political symbolism.

Obama wants to be seen as the guy with whom people want to have a beer with, the Washington Post reported.

“It is about the likeable, accessible, regular guy who relates to life in the real world and enjoys popping a cold one. Sure, taste counts, but so do votes,” the Post reported.  

Read more Neon Tommy Content about the 2012 Presidential Election here.

Reach Executive Producer Jackie Mansky here.



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