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Obama And Romney On 9/11

Eric Parra |
September 10, 2012 | 8:48 p.m. PDT

Tech Editor

 Shotgun Spratling)
Shotgun Spratling)
It's that time of the year again. A time where Americans pay their respects and remember the tragedy that took so many lives and caused so much harm. 

But as we approach Sept. 11, 2012, the hype of yesteryear has all but faded away. Compared to years past, the impact of this event is not as crucial today as it was in the past few years. Yet in the crucial time of presidential elections, this day of rememberance will not be passed up. 

For instance, both campaigns will suspend their advertising, continuing the tradition of the past three elections. 

Different from the 2008 election, Obama and Romney are not scheduled to make a joint appearence, but will instead attend to honor the event in their own ways.

President Obama will host a moment of silence at the White House as well as attend a Pentagon Memorial Service, as Romney will address the National Guard's Annual conference. 

While McCain's campaign rode heavily on the patriotism that went along with the memorium of September 11th, niether Obama or Romney seem to be focusing any more attention than due respect. 


Click here for more coverage of the 2012 presidential election.


Reach Tech Editor Eric Parra here.



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