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Mitt Romney’s Gaffe-Filled Weeks: Who Is To Blame?

Max Schwartz |
September 27, 2012 | 11:31 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter


Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan and Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney. (James B Currie/Creative Commons)
Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan and Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney. (James B Currie/Creative Commons)
Today’s GOP has multiple factions and Mitt Romney has the tremendous task of appealing to, if not unifying, all of them in his effort to win the White House. Last week, Mitt Romney made his infamous 47 percent comment. He previosuly made controversial comments about peace in the Middle East, and Ambassador Chris Stevens' death.

Romney did say all these things, but who is actually to blame for Romney’s errors? An article from The Daily Beast suggested Romney’s errors were caused by the GOP because of the various factions Romney needs to appeal to.

The article claimed the multiple factions of the GOP are the “newer” GOP, the “older” GOP and the Tea Party. The members of the “newer” GOP are not the older, wealthier members of the party, but rather those who are Republican because of their stance on social issues.

However, there are similarities between the “newer” and “older” sects of the GOP. Members of both factions are national security hawks and they both call for fiscal responsibility – an end to the debt crisis. Both believe there should be tax cuts for the “job creators.”

The Tea Party, on the other hand, wants to bring America back to the way it was. They also want to end the national debt, like the other two factions.

Romney has tried to appeal to all of these groups.

He attracted the “newer” GOP by choosing Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate. Before choosing Ryan, he spent a lot of time campaigning with other potential V.P. picks, including Tea Party members. South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. In doing this, Romney has appealed to the “older” GOP as well since.

He has also used his tax policy, his stance on increasing defense spending, belief that Obama has done a poor job on the international front and adoption of conservative ideals, such as the belief that marriage is between a man and a woman, to appeal to a variety of voters.

Romney’s comments from last week may be the result of trying to appeal to all of these groups to win the election. He said what he did was to win supporters and energize the various bases.

Los Angeles County GOP Chairwoman Lynn Haueter said not all the problems Romney faces are his fault. She said she does not think Romney sees different factions in the GOP party and " sees all of us as a family of Americans who all want freedom and justice for all. He understands that a free country cannot be free if most of it's people are controlled by big government. He believes in the power and freedom of every individual American."

Many of Romney's problems can be blamed on the media, she added.

"Media is biased... Mitt has addressed issues that really matter to America - jobs and the economy. That is what the GOP is most concerned about. Mitt and the GOP believe the best person to lead our country is someone who 'get's it,' someone who has actually run a business and understands how big government and over-regulation can kill business and thus kill job growth," she said. "Mitt has also run an entire state and brought Democrats and Republicans together to balance budgets and make Mass. schools No. 1 at the time he was there."

Reach Staff Reporter Max Schwartz here; follow him on Twitter here.



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