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Love Triangle Lands Aircraft With Explosives Scare, Two Arrested

Agnus Dei Farrant |
September 8, 2012 | 5:20 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

US Airways aircraft (Creative Commons).
US Airways aircraft (Creative Commons).
Authorities took a man into custody twice in two states within about 12 hours, after a love triangle escalated to a midair explosives scare and an aborted flight, the Associated Press reported. 

A feud between Christopher Shell and his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend escalated when Shell posted a photo of his ex-girlfriend on Facebook on Thursday in Philadelphia. 

Shell boarded a flight to Dallas that Philadelphia police recalled and removed him from the plane at gunpoint, the AP reported. US Airways Flight 1267 was about 90 miles into their flight on Thursday when the aircraft turned around, allegedly because of technical problems. Airport police had received a call from someone claiming that Shell was carrying liquid explosives. 

Shell told authorities about the feud during questioning. Authorities went to the workplace of the new boyfriend, Kenneth W. Smith Jr., and arrested him on charges of conveying false information that interfered with aviation and using an instrument of commerce - a phone - to do so, the AP reported.

When Shell arrived in Texas on Friday, he was taken into custody again on drug charges. He had two outstanding warrants for two drug-possession charges, according to the news organization, less than 2 ounces of marijuana and less than 28 grams of a controlled substance.

Smith could face up to 10 years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000 and possible restitution if convicted.


Reach Executive Producer Agnus Dei Farrant here.



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