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Local Democratic Club Urges Young People To Get Involved

Tori Youngblood |
September 18, 2012 | 5:39 p.m. PDT


Christian Hall is the Co-Manager of the Pacific Palisades Democratic CLub
Christian Hall is the Co-Manager of the Pacific Palisades Democratic CLub

Christian Hall has been investing time into Democratic campaigns since 2004. He was in high school when he began acting upon his passion for politics. In 2008 he campaigned for Obama and is now the co-manager of the Pacific Palisades Democratic Club where he works to inspire others to support the Obama administration. 

“I can definitely say that Obama embodies the liberal spirit. He’s like a great symbol for this country,” Hall said.

Though Hall, 23, recently graduated from USC with a degree related to cinema, he said that working with the club has given him the opportunity to be involved with a movement that he is passionate about.

He said his position has allowed him to spread his knowledge and beliefs to other young people; pushing them to also get involved in what they care about. 

“It’s not about names and positions, it’s about what you care about and what you associate yourself with and I think it’s important to realize that," Hall said.

Nestled in an old yoga studio on 3rd Street in Santa Monica, the Pacific Palisades Democratic Club has more than 900 members, making it one of the most active Democratic clubs in the United States.

Most people involved, however, are older. While appreciative of the help and support of seasoned Democrats, Hall expressed concern that more young people aren’t invested in politics.

“Everyone’s got a lot of energy and are doing so many different things, everyone’s going a million miles an hour but they shouldn't forget that it is really important to stay engaged in real issues,” says Christian.

The Pacific Palisades Democratic Club, working to pass Proposition 30 - which they say would prevent school budget cuts - urged young people to get involved with what they are enthusiastic about within the political spectrum. 

“I do believe in the power of a good government to take care of people,” he said.



Read more of Neon Tommy's coverage on the 2012 election here.

Reach Contributor Tori Youngblood here.



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