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Libyan Congress Votes Abushagur As First Prime Minister

Tasbeeh Herwees |
September 12, 2012 | 1:14 p.m. PDT

Senior Staff Reporter

Mustafa Abushagur won with a majority vote of 96-94. (From Abushagur's Facebook site)
Mustafa Abushagur won with a majority vote of 96-94. (From Abushagur's Facebook site)
In a second round of voting, Deputy Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagur was elected into the office of Prime Minister with a majority vote of 96-94. He beat out former foreign minister Mahmoud Jibril for the position.

As Prime Minister, Abushagur will be tasked with the responsibility of building a new government in 21 days.  

The elections took place following the death of U.S. ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, who was killed along with one other U.S. official in an attack on the consulate in Benghazi. There are unconfirmed reports that ten Libyan security officials also died in defense of the consulate.

Abushagur released a statement on his official Facebook page early this morning condemning the attacks and sending his condolences to the families of the dead.

“There is never any justification for this type of action. There must and will be consequences,” he said, “Those who were involved at all levels must be found and punished. These actions run counter to the very foundations of free Libya, of democracy, and of Islam. They are reprehensible.”

Abushagur will be expected to hold the position for 18 months. Abushagur ran independently and campaigned under the promise that security and employment are on the top of his agenda.



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