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Large Earthquake Hits Costa Rica

Michael Juliani |
September 5, 2012 | 10:16 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer


A street in downtown San Jose, Costa Rica.  (Wikimedia Commons)
A street in downtown San Jose, Costa Rica. (Wikimedia Commons)

A 7.6-magnitude earthquake hit Costa Rica and a large stretch of Central America on Wednesday, destroying some houses, cutting power, disrupting highways and frightening people, according to ABC News.  

One person died of a heart attack.

The quake came at 8:42 a.m. about 38 miles from the town of Liberia, and was originally thought to be 7.9 in magnitude.

The Huffington Post reported that the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has issued a warning for Pacific coastlines in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Panama, and had earlier warned that a tsunami might hit in Mexico and Chile.

Power lines continue to be down in some areas of San Jose. 


Reach Executive Producer Michael Juliani here; follow him on Twitter here.







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