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Karen Bass Faces An Invisible Opponent

Denise Guerra |
September 20, 2012 | 5:15 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

(Dawn Megli/Neon Tommy)
(Dawn Megli/Neon Tommy)
Having won 99 percent of the vote in the June primary, Democratic incumbent Karen Bass should have no problem winning 37th Congressional district seat.

Her opponent is write-in candidate Morgan Osborne, a Republican from San Diego. Osborne received only 36 votes during the primaries but qualified to run in the November elections. Under Proposition 14, the “top two finishers” during the primaries move on to the general election.

Little is known about Osborne besides him being a Republican and business owner. There is also no known website for the candidate.

The 37th district extends from West Los Angeles to Culver City to parts of South Los Angeles including USC. The area is roughly 64 percent Democrat.

Karen Bass has served in Congress since 2011 and currently sits on the Budget and Foreign Affairs Committee. She is the ranking member in the subcommittee on Africa and Global Health and a member in the subcommittee of International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight.

She was the first black woman speaker of the California Assembly. Some of her accomplishments during her brief tenure in congress include the Graduate Success Act, which provides interest-free deferment on unsubsidized student loans during periods of unemployment and the launch of the Congressional Foster Youth Caucus.

Reach Staff Reporter Denise Guerra here and on Twitter here.



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