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Daily Hollywood – A Penn State Movie, James Bond Stays On, and More

Lilian Min |
September 10, 2012 | 12:59 a.m. PDT

Music Editor

The Jerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State University is getting a movie deal, and while many of the key cast and crew have yet to be set, Al Pacino has signed on to star as the recently passed former head coach of the university, Joe Paterno. (Deadline)

DreamWorks Animation has released its upcoming docket of films, including a third “How To Train Your Dragon.” Read the full list after the jump. (The Hollywood Reporter)

She’s baaaack—Liza Minnelli has confirmed that she’ll be reprising her role on “Arrested Development” for at least the new season. (TV Guide)

For those of you salivating over Daniel Craig’s James Bond role, good news: he’s been confirmed as Bond for at least two more movies after “Skyfall.” (Vulture)

“Girls” creator Lena Dunham is the latest celeb to adopt the pixie cut. (Us Weekly)

Reach Lilian Min here; follow her on Twitter here.



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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