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Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Are Married

Jenny Chao |
September 9, 2012 | 9:58 p.m. PDT

Entertainment Associate Editor

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds (Photo Credit - People.com)
Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds (Photo Credit - People.com)

Would Olympic gold-medalist swimmer Ryan Lochte, 28, have publicly professed his love for Gossip Girl actress Blake Lively, 25, on Saturday if he had known that just one day after, Lively would tie the knot with her now-husband Ryan Reynolds?

After a year of dating, People reports that Lively, and Ryan Reynolds, 35, got married Sunday night at the Boone Hall Plantation in Mt. Pleasant, S.C. Lively’s good friend Florence Welch (of Florence and the Machine) performed three songs at the reception, and a deejay kept the occasion “lively” by spinning tunes. The actresses’ mother and sister were also spotted in town and reportedly had a meal with Bette Midler. Few other details have been released.

According to E! Online, news of the nuptial was first released by a local radio station 95.1 FM, which tweeted, "Hold up, there's another story that it's Ryan Reynolds and he married Blake Lively at the Cotton Docks today!" Both stars’ representatives were not available for comment.

The couple started dating after filming “The Green Lantern” in 2011.

Lively previously dated Leonardo DiCaprio and her Gossip Girl costar Penn Badgley. Reynolds was previously married to Scarlett Johansson, with whom he divorced in 2010 after two years of marriage.



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