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Obama Campaign Volunteer In South L.A. Talks To Undecided Voters

Alejandra Rubalcava |
September 14, 2012 | 1:49 p.m. PDT


Albert Vitela (Alejandra Rubalcava).
Albert Vitela (Alejandra Rubalcava).
Albert Vitela, a 34-year-old Los Angeles resident is currently in his first week volunteering for the Obama campaign and has already managed to make more than 300 calls, mainly to undecided voters.

Vitela has supported the president since the 2008 presidential campaign and said he has seen many positive changes in his life. He said he is “very happy with the way things are going in terms of my own life.”

As a Social Security recipient, he said he's very pleased that his children and parents are benefitting from it, as well.

Obama’s election in 2008 motivated Vitela to enroll in school. He has received federal Pell grants and proudly said that in spring 2013, he will graduate with a bachelor’s degree.

Before volunteering at a South Los Angeles phone bank, Vitela went to Nevada for three days to register voters and to make phone calls for the Latino community.

In one of the many calls that Vitela made, he said he spoke to a gentleman who said, “Well, I’m in a situation where in 2008 I didn’t want to vote for McCain, so I was forced to vote for Obama. In this situation, I don’t want to vote for Romney, so I’m going to have to vote for Obama.”

According to Vitela, that is a common view of many undecided voters.

 During his trip to Nevada, Vitela heard a little girl tell her mom, “You better vote for Obama.”

“Even little kids get it,” he said.


Read more of Neon Tommy's coverage on the 2012 election here.

Reach Contributor Alejandra Rubalcava here.



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