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Britain Refuses To Grant Julian Assange Safe Passage

Francesca Martens |
August 16, 2012 | 4:41 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Assange is wanted in Sweden for questioning regarding alleged sexual offenses. (Flickr/Mataparda)
Assange is wanted in Sweden for questioning regarding alleged sexual offenses. (Flickr/Mataparda)

According to Fox News, a top British government official announced that Britain would not allow Julian Assange safe passage out of the United Kingdom nor is there "legal basis for us to do so."

The Swedish Foreign Ministry has summoned Ecuador's ambassador to discuss the Latin American country's decision. Meanwhile, Britain's Foreign Office reiterated its plans to extradite Assange to Sweden. 

Attorney, Rebecca Niblock said that British authorities are under legal obligation to arrest Assange as soon as he steps out of the embassy for violating his bail conditions. However, "I can't see Ecuador changing their position."

Ironically enough, it seems that if Assange wishes to stay out of state prison, he will have to remain confined within the Ecuadorian embassy.


Read more of Neon Tommy's coverage on Julian Assange here.

Reach Executive Producer Francesca Martens here; follow her here.



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