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Soldier Who Planned Fort Hood Attack Sentenced

Cara Palmer |
August 11, 2012 | 9:53 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

The soldier was AWOL when he was arrested. (The U.S. Army, Creative Commons)
The soldier was AWOL when he was arrested. (The U.S. Army, Creative Commons)
Army Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo was sentenced to life in prison Friday. In May, he had been found guilty by a federal jury on six charges, including attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and attempting to murder U.S. officers or employees, after being arrested with bomb-making materials at a hotel in Fort Hood.

Abdo was planning an attack on a restaurant in Fort Hood, to which soldiers frequented, because he did not approve of the military’s actions in Afghanistan. When he was sentenced for his plot Friday, he vowed to continue on his chosen path.

A federal judge sentenced him to two life terms without a chance of parole. U.S. Attorney Robert Pitman compared Abdo’s plan to the recent shootings in Aurora, Colorado and at the Sikh Temple in Milwaukee.


Reach Executive Producer Cara Palmer here; follow her here.



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