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Romney Set To Give Defining Speech At RNC

Amanda Martinez |
August 30, 2012 | 10:08 a.m. PDT

Supervising Executive Producer


Romney's speech at the RNC will be a defining moment for his presidential campaign. (World Affair Council of Philadelphia/Flickr)
Romney's speech at the RNC will be a defining moment for his presidential campaign. (World Affair Council of Philadelphia/Flickr)
All eyes will be on Mitt Romney Thursday, as the presidential nominee gears up for the most important speech of his life.

After officially clinching the GOP nomination, Romney will now address millions at the Republican National Convention when he takes the stage. He will use the platform to formally introduce himself to the voter pool with an in-depth preview of who he is as a candidate and what voters can expect should he take office.

According to the Associated Press, Romney sent an email to supporters Thursday morning that indicated what his monumental speech might cover.

"We believe in America, even though the last four years have been full of difficulties and disappointments, doubt and despair," Romney said. "We believe in America, even though President Obama's failed policies have left us with record high unemployment, lower take-home pay, and the weakest economy since the Great Depression.

The pressure is on for Romney, whose likability wavers with voters, often coming off as detached from the average American. A Frank Luntz focus group asked participants Sunday to describe Romney in one word, with responses echoing many common criticisms of Romney. The Huffington Post reported responses included the following at rapid succession:


"A little out of touch." (After a long pause)



"Out of touch."


"I'm not sure I trust him." (Another long pause)

"A leader."


"Don’t Trust Him."

According to the Huffington Post, reactions like these pinpoint Romney's biggest weakness: failing to open up to voters and gain their trust, an area where President Obama excels. 

Reuters said the GOP nominee faces the additional challenge of following wife Ann Romney's "you can trust Mitt" endorsement and an enthusiastic speech by vice presidential running mate Paul Ryan.

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Hours before Romney is set to take the stage, Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush offered Romney the advice to "show your heart" in a "Good Morning America" appearance. Bush stressed the importance of connecting emotionally with America's voters and said, "Where it matters is connecting with other people's concerns. I don't think he has to be like this New Age kind of guy all of a sudden. He's not going to be that way….he has a great chance tonight to offer an alternative. Not just to point out the president's failings but to offer an alternative that lifts the spirits of the country."

Yet likability isn't the only factor the Romney campaign will try and tackle Thursday. Top Romney advisers have said his speech as been "designed specifically to be congruent" with Ryan's rhetoric, addressing America's challenges without making excuses. ABC News reported the landmark speech will even touch on his Mormon faith, an area previously considered off-limits.

"Generally, his faith is important to him," Romney adviser Kevin Madden said Wednesday. "I think this is a speech where he is going to talk a lot about what's informed his values, what's informed his outlooks, and of course his faith is an important part of that, it's an important part of who he is as a husband and father. And so I think you can expect some of that."

The Romney campaign seems to acknowledge just how much is riding on this address, with the speech undergoing multiple drafts and revisions as recently as Aug. 24. In a radio interview with Hugh Hewitt, Romney called his speech "a work in progress, kind of early-stage, so I'm still working hard."

In an effort to counter Romney's out-of-touch image, a variety of speakers will precede the GOP candidate on stage to speak to his character and leadership capabilities. The NY Times reported the speakers will include members of the Mormon Church, Bain Capital associates, the founder of Staples and three Salt Lake City Olympians who will praise his involvement in the 2002 Games. Director and actor Clint Eastwood is also rumored to be a mystery speaker.


Read more of Neon Tommy's RNC 2012 coverage here.

Reach Supervising Executive Producer Amanda Martinez here.



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