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Romney Outpaces Obama In July Fundraising

Danny Lee |
August 6, 2012 | 3:39 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Romney's campaign brought in more than $100 million in July. (Creative Commons)
Romney's campaign brought in more than $100 million in July. (Creative Commons)
Republican Mitt Romney’s campaign outraised President Barack Obama’s for the third straight month, raking in $101.3 million in July compared to the president’s $75 million, according to The New York Times.

Obama’s campaign made the announcement on Twitter on Monday, also pointing out that 98 percent of the contributions were under $250. About a quarter of the Romney team’s donations — or roughly $25.7 million — came in donations of under $250.

Romney has also benefitted from outside groups that spend millions of dollars on TV ads attacking the president and defending the former Massachusetts governor. Romney’s advantage could grow after the party’s convention in Tampa later this month, as federal election law limits him from spending much of the money until after he accepts the GOP nod, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Obama raised more than Romney in 2011 and the early part of this year, but he has also spent more than his GOP rival, shelling out more than $400 million since January 2011.


Read the full story at The New York Times or Wall Street Journal. For more of Neon Tommy’s coverage of Election 2012, click here.

Reach Executive Producer Danny Lee here; follow him here.



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