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Prime Minister Of Ethiopia Dies Of "Sudden Infection" In Brussels

Catherine Green |
August 21, 2012 | 10:18 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

The prime minister, pictured here earlier this year, drew both criticism and praise for his transformative work in Ethiopia. (Wikimedia Commons)
The prime minister, pictured here earlier this year, drew both criticism and praise for his transformative work in Ethiopia. (Wikimedia Commons)
Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi died late Monday in a Brussels hospital after developing a "sudden infection" while under medical treatment, the BBC reported. He was 57.

Since taking power in 1991, Meles had become something of a controversial leader. He managed to turn his country into one of Africa's more thriving economies, but some say he did so at the expense of his people's human rights.

Meles' deputy, Hailemariam Desalegn, will act as prime minister until elections in 2015. 

State television reported his body will be flown to Addis Ababa later today.

The country has entered a period of mourning until his funeral, but no date has been set.

According to BBC's James Copnall, "Now the attention will switch to whether Mr. Meles built a strong enough system to outlast him."

Read the full story here. See more Neon Tommy coverage on Ethiopia here.


Reach Executive Producer Catherine Green here; follow her here.




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