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Paul Ryan Becomes Latest To Ask Akin To Drop Out

Michael Juliani |
August 22, 2012 | 9:59 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

The official portrait of Paul Ryan.  (Wikimedia Commons)
The official portrait of Paul Ryan. (Wikimedia Commons)

Republican Rep. Todd Akin, after making outrageous claims about rape, has been pushed by his partisan allies, now including Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, to drop out of the Senate race, CNN said.

Vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan called Akin personally to ask him to withdraw.

"He said he told Ryan 'that I was going to be looking at this very seriously, trying to weigh all the different points on this,' adding, 'it's not about me--it's about standing on principle,'" CNN said.

Akin is in trouble for saying that victims of "legitimate rape" do not get pregnant, so abortion is not necessary as a protection in case of rape.

Though the GOP was hoping to win the Missouri Senate seat that Akin was running for, Republican leadership has said it won't spend money on his campaign, CNN said.

Akin has said that he'll obey the GOP's request that he doesn't show up at its upcoming convention.


Read more of Neon Tommy's coverage of Todd Akin's predicament here.

Reach Executive Producer Michael Juliani here; follow him on Twitter here.



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