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Obama and Romney Face Off Over Early Voting In Ohio

Dawn Megli |
August 6, 2012 | 11:55 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

The Obama administration filed a lawsuit in July to challenge restrictions to civillian early voting. (Courtesy Creative Commons/ Cain and Todd Benson)
The Obama administration filed a lawsuit in July to challenge restrictions to civillian early voting. (Courtesy Creative Commons/ Cain and Todd Benson)
Mitt Romney accused President Obama of trying to strip members of the military of their early voting privileges in the last days leading up to the November election, ABC reported. 

"We disagree with the basic premise that it is 'arbitrary' and unconstitutional to give three extra days of in-person early voting to military voters and their families," the Romney campaign said in a statement Sunday. "It is despicable for the Obama campaign to challenge Ohio's lawful decision."

The attacks focus on a lawsuit filed on July 17 in U.S. District Court in which the Obama administration challenged a Republican-sponsored law which ends early in-person voting for non-members of the military in the three days leading up to the Nov. 6 election.

According to the lawsuit, the administration is seeking to "to restore in-person early voting for all Ohioans during the three days prior to Election Day – a right exercised by an estimated 93,000 Ohioans in the last presidential election."

Top Obama advisor David Axelrod appeared on "Fox News Sunday" to oppose what he characterized as a misinformation campaign by the Romney camp.

“The way Gov. Romney stated [the situation] is completely false,” Axelrod said. “It’s shameful that Gov. Romney would hide behind our service men and women.”

Axlerod claimed the law limiting civilian early voting was an attempt by the GOP to steer the outcome of the election by shrinking the voting pool.


Read the story at ABC or the Chicago Tribune.

Follow Neon Tommy's coverage of voting rights.

Reach Executive Producer Dawn Megli here.



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