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North Korea Gets Food Aid After Floods, Help From U.S. Not Requested

Paige Brettingen |
August 4, 2012 | 11:42 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

U.S. Food Aid (Creative Commons). The U.S. backed out of sending North Korea food in April.
U.S. Food Aid (Creative Commons). The U.S. backed out of sending North Korea food in April.

Emergency food supplies have been dispensed to North Korea after floods have engulfed 4,000 homes, killing at least 88 people and leaving nearly 63,000 homeless, according to The L.A. Times. The U.N.'s World Food Program said it will provide 400 grams of maize per day for two weeks.

While a U.S. State Department spokesman said the U.S. is worried about the North Korean victims, he also said North Korea has not asked for any assistance from them.

“If requested, it’s something that we would carefully evaluate, but we’re not at that point,” press office director Patrick Ventrell said.

According to CNN, the U.S. had planned to send food aid to help alleviate North Korea's severe malnourishment problems until a controversial rocket launch was scheduled.

North Korea had warned it in April that it would retaliate against the U.S. for reneging the deal.


See more Neon Tommy coverage of North Korea here.

Reach Executive Producer Paige Brettingen here.



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