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Usher's Stepson Declared Brain-Dead

Francesca Martens |
July 11, 2012 | 12:04 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

According to sources close to Usher, he raised Kile as his own and is "emotionally drained" over the accident. (Flickr/ Remolacha)
According to sources close to Usher, he raised Kile as his own and is "emotionally drained" over the accident. (Flickr/ Remolacha)
Kile Glover, the son of Usher's ex-wife Tameka Foster, was declared brain-dead on Sunday after doctors determined that Glover had not experienced any brain activity since he was admitted to the hospital on Friday.

The tragic accident, MTV reports, took place last Friday. The 11-year-old boy and a 15-year-old friend were floating in inner tubes on Lake Lanier in Atlanta when they were struck by a man driving a Jet Ski. They were both airlifted to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston where the 15-year-old girl was treated for a broken arm and a cut on the head. Glover sustained a head injury and was unresponsive. 

In a statement to CNN, the family acknowledged their hope that Kile would improve, and that they were relying on their faith for strength. "We firmly believe in the power of prayer and ask that you all continue to pray and lift Kile up."

The man driving the Jet Ski was 38-year-old Jeffrey S. Hubbard, a family friend who was a part of the outing. Officials' investigation ruled out alcohol as a contributor to the accident, but according to The Examiner, Hubbard could still face charges as a result of the "100-foot law" which states that vehicles must run at idle speed if they come within 100 feet of a person or property.


Reach Executive Producer Francesca Martens here; follow her here.



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