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No Charges For Bryson On Traffic Collisions

Amanda Martinez |
July 3, 2012 | 5:34 p.m. PDT

Supervising Executive Producer


Prosecutors decided not to file charges against Bryson after confusion prevented him from knowing failure to provide information for hit-and-run.(Wikimedia Commons)
Prosecutors decided not to file charges against Bryson after confusion prevented him from knowing failure to provide information for hit-and-run.(Wikimedia Commons)
Prosecutors opted not to file charges against former U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson Tuesday for felony hit-and-run, despite testing positive for the sleep-aid Ambien.

On June 9, Bryson was found unconscious in his car after he reportedly struck two vehicles in the San Gabriel Valley. The Los Angeles County District Attorney's office said he tested negative for alcohol and controlled substances, but did test positive for Ambien. A criminalist said it couldn't be determined if the drug played a role in the accidents.

At the time, the Commerce Department said he had "limited recall of the events," prompting doctors to determine that Bryson suffered confusion stemming from seizures. A memo from the D.A. said both doctors believed the seizures caused the crashes.

He resigned on June 21 after concluding that his condition could distract from his work performance.

Read the full story at the LA Times or the Washington Post 

See more of Neon Tommy's coverage on John Bryson here

Reach Supervising Executive Producer Amanda Martinez here



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