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Daily Hollywood – New Killers, A “Mylo Xyloto” Comic, and More

Lilian Min |
July 11, 2012 | 12:31 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

Fans of The Killers hankering for something new after 2008’s “Day & Age”? Today’s your lucky day: the alt group put their new single “Runaways” online yesterday. Their fourth album, “Battle Born,” will be out in September. (EW)

Trent Reznor can definitely make mood music, but his tunes are generally less about baby making and more about building anxiety and tension – which is why his songwriting gig for the video game “Call of Duty: Black Ops II” makes perfect sense. (USA Today)

Man, remember when Coldplay announced that their album’s name was going to be “Mylo Xyloto” and nobody had any idea what it meant? Well, there’s a back story to the peculiar name, and it’s going to be fleshed out in a full color comic. (Stereogum)

In more video game news, the writers behind 4 of the “Saw” films are now writing a “God of War” adaptation. (The Hollywood Reporter)

From Magic Mike to… Evel Knievel? That’s what appears to be happening if Channing Tatum signs on to produce and star in a biopic of the bike star. (Vulture)

Reach Lilian Min here; follow her on Twitter here.



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