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Average American Families See Huge Drop In Net Worth

Catherine Green |
June 12, 2012 | 9:22 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

The discouraging news came in the Federal Reserve's triennial study released Monday. (Mark Kelly/Flickr)
The discouraging news came in the Federal Reserve's triennial study released Monday. (Mark Kelly/Flickr)
The net worth of the average American family dropped nearly 40 percent between 2007 and 2010, according to a new report by the Federal Reserve out Tuesday.

CNN Money broke down the study, which found the median net worth had dropped from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010. 

According to the report, "the recession wiped away 18 years of savings and investments by families."

And though the stats are a bit stale, the findings are still indicative of the housing crisis' impact on the nation. 

Meanwhile, income levels also saw a sharp decline over those three years of about 7.7 percent.

Read the full story here; check out more of Neon Tommy's economic coverage here


Reach Executive Producer Catherine Green here; follow her here.




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