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Angels' Jered Weaver Throws A No-Hitter, And I Missed It By *That Much*

James Santelli |
May 2, 2012 | 10:26 p.m. PDT

Sports Director

Damn it, Jered Weaver. (rocoe/Creative Commons)
Damn it, Jered Weaver. (rocoe/Creative Commons)
There are at least three entities in baseball that have never witnessed a no-hitter in person: the New York Mets, the San Diego Padres and me. The first two have never had a pitcher toss a no-no. I've never seen one in person, especially since the last time my hometown Pirates recorded one was in 1997.

But today I came close. By about ten feet and five pounds. I'll explain in a moment.

I'm working on a story for a USC Broadcast Reporting class about the possibility that the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim might leave Orange County for L.A. in the not-so-distant future. So I took the train from L.A. Union Station to Angel Stadium to talk to some Halos fans and shoot b-roll outside the ballpark.

The people I talked to were incredibly nice and gracious with their time, and no parking lot personnel hassled me about taking video of the stadium's exterior.

Angel Stadium after dark. (Kwong Yee Cheng/Creative Commons)
Angel Stadium after dark. (Kwong Yee Cheng/Creative Commons)
I didn't plan to stay for the game. It looked to be a standard Wednesday night affair with the Twins, and I didn't want to get back to campus too late.

Instead, I walked back to the train station. After getting all my video shooting done, I did think for a minute about sticking around, especially when I saw a few guys trying to hawk tickets for less than ten bucks.

But I couldn't, I told myself. The sun was setting over the freeway and I didn't want to get back to campus too late. It was already 8 p.m., about one hour after first pitch. Plus, the Angels website says that "camera support pods," like the five-pound-heavy tripod I was carrying with me, aren't allowed inside the stadium. I was ten feet away from walking in those stadium gates, but instead I was headed home.

Well, you probably know how this story ends.

I hopped onto the train and put my iPhone on Airplane Mode, so I could listen to music without wasting too much of the battery. So I never thought to check the score of the game I walked past. I got home around 9:30 pm, happy with my day's work. Happy, that is... until I flipped open my computer and saw these three tweets:

BREAKING: Angels ace Jered Weaver tosses no-hitter against the Twins: atmlb.com/JrPx4c — MLB (@MLB) May 3, 2012

Congratulations to Jered Weaver!! The former @LBSUAthletics pitcher gets the no-hitter. — Shotgun Spratling (@SoCal_CBDaily) May 3, 2012

No no yfrog.com/klopvegvj — Eric Kay (@EKayAngels) May 3, 2012

You have to be kidding me. My jaw dropped so far that it dug a hole to China. I spent at least five hours traveling to-and-fro and getting my video, and one decision and one lousy tripod kept me from stepping inside that ballpark and experiencing the fabled thrill of a no-hitter.

And it's even worse than that! The ticket I bought from L.A. to Anaheim was a special deal MetroLink ticket: for $7, the Angels train takes you to the stadium, then heads back to Los Angeles 30 minutes after the last out. Since I didn't want to wait for that train, I bought a separate one-way Amtrak ticket for $14 that would get me back to L.A. much faster. Not only did I just barely miss out on a no-hitter, I paid 14 bucks for the privilege of doing so.

What did I learn? Sometimes it's better to stop a while. I could have put the tripod in a locker at the Anaheim train station. Taken in the game for the price of a Subway premium sandwich. Witnessed history.

Someday I'll see a no-hitter in person. I'm sure of it. There have been at least 250 others thrown in Major League history. But just to be extra careful, I'm never walking past a ballpark without knowing what the scoreboard reads.


Reach James by email or follow him on Twitter, @JamesSantelli.



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