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"The Voice" Quarterfinals: Team Cee Lo Vs. Team Adam

Chanel Lake |
April 24, 2012 | 9:44 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Chessa performs from Team Ceelo Green (NBC)
Chessa performs from Team Ceelo Green (NBC)
A possible Mickey Mouse Club reunion, Goodie Mob back together, and Team Adam and Team Cee Lo completely killing the competition were only a small portion of what happened on Monday night's episode of "The Voice." This week, Team Cee Lo and Team Adam battled it in the quarterfinals and had tough decisions when it came to instant eliminations. Yet, Monday's episode showed the contestants that really have star potential.

Team Cee Lo's Jamar opened the show guns blazing singing "It's My Life" by Bon Jovi. Everything about his performance was captivating and was unquestionably one of the best performances on the show. Katrina Parker stepped out on the stage meaning business when she sang "Jar of Hearts." Her Adele like resemblance and control of the song has really shown her evolution. Unfortunately for Cee Lo. his performance with Goodie Mob, singing their new song "Fight to Win" was odd golden gladiators, but never the less he put on an entertaining show.

Mathai, although she has a beautiful voice wasn't able to really connect with her song and it showed. Team Cee Lo was on and off during this quarterfinals. Unfortunately, James Massone was one of the individuals that really didn't own his song. Team Adam's Pip was great especially on his last note, which makes it even more difficult for Adam Levine. Yet, Mouseketeer Tony Lucca gave a surprisingly great performance singing a creative arrangement of "Hit Me Baby, One More Time".

To take on a Whitney Houston song is one of the most impossible feats to accomplish. Yet, Team Cee Lo's Cheesa completely stole the entire show, doing the song more than enough justice and getting a standing ovation from the crowd and the judges. She proved she had nothing more to give after that spectacular performance. Team Cee Lo definitely sweeped the competition with his contestants talent. Juliet Simms' tone and gritty performance just shows her consistent talent. The instant eliminations were not that surprising as Pip and James Massone were both eliminated. Now, both of their teams are incredibly strong and no doubt that they have the potential to win it all.

Tune in Tuesday night at 9 p.m. on NBC for the results of America's vote and next week for the first round of the semifinals.

Feel free to contact Chanel here or follow her on Twitter.



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