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Trayvon Martin Case: A Reminder That Strong Gun Control Is Needed

Jordan Klein |
April 2, 2012 | 9:15 a.m. PDT

Staff Columnist

(werthmedia, Creative Commons)
(werthmedia, Creative Commons)
The recent Trayvon Martin killing in Florida is just the latest example of a tragedy made possible by irresponsible and dangerous gun control legislation. While Martin’s killer was probably fueled by racial motivation, he was above all else a gun-wielding maniac. We will continue to needlessly shed innocent blood in this country until meaningful gun control measures are finally passed.

While the racial element of the Trayvon Martin case is important, it is not the only aspect of the incident that is cause for concern. Racism in America has a long and ugly history. Furthermore, it is something that the country seems to never be able to put behind it. Incidents like the brutal shooting of Martin prove that despite the fact that the United States now has a Black president, life in this country for African Americans is far from ideal.

Yet the sad truth is that there will probably always be racists in the United States that despise African Americans for no other reason than the color of their skin. While the laws of the United States no longer sanction racism through antiquated Jim Crow statutes, the prejudices of racist men are sometimes impossible to destroy. George Zimmerman, Martin’s killer, was probably a racist harboring ill feelings toward African Americans, whom he derisively referred to as “coons” during his 911 phone-call prior to shooting Martin. But racism alone did not kill Martin.

Had the state of Florida not passed a law entitled the “Stand Your Ground” law, this tragedy might never have happened. This law legalizes the use of deadly force in any instance when one feels threatened. The law also allows someone who feels threatened to use such deadly force before even attempting to flee. Thus, a racist man was legally allowed to carry a firearm in public. In fact, Zimmerman fancied himself a “neighborhood watchmen,” even though he had not been appointed to any such position.

The fact that we live in a country where someone can walk around in public with a loaded firearm and simply follow people who he deems suspicious is deplorable. Guns are not toys, and it is astounding that this fact seems lost to many. Guns have serious implications and can cost innocent people their lives. Talk to the family of Trayvon Martin and ask them their opinion of guns. I am sure that the Martin Family appreciates the outpouring of support from the Black community on behalf of combating racism, but wouldn’t a more useful response be rallying in support of stricter gun control measures?

It is extremely important that George Zimmerman faces a trial and eventually faces justice should a jury of his peers conclude that he is guilty. It is an embarrassment that the authorities have not already apprehended him and began an investigation. Whether racism brought about the poor decision-making by the police department of Sanford, Florida remains to be seen. But what is clear is that if stronger gun control measures are not introduced, more innocent people will die.

It is horrifying how often there are shooting tragedies in this country. While Columbine and the Virginia Tech shootings are two of the most famous, there have been a myriad of other shootings in just the last decade alone. Rep. Gabby Giffords of Arizona almost lost her life due to a deranged lunatic who was able to get access to a firearm due to flimsy gun control laws.

Like it or not, there are crazy and deranged people in this country. We need to first introduce much stronger background checks before someone is able to obtain a gun. It should be a lengthy process, for possessing a weapon that has the potential to end someone’s life in a split second is not a game. Second, Americans need to get over their fascination with carrying guns in public. Carrying a gun in public is far more likely to kill an innocent person than save someone from an oncoming attacker. Police carry guns for a reason. Civilians should not need to roam the streets with loaded firearms that simply endanger us all.

Lovers of lax gun regulation will always point to the Second Amendment, possibly the most outdated clause in the constitution. The Amendment was written at a time when a regular police force did not exist. The intent was for Americans to be able to protect their homes by keeping a firearm within the home. This was also a necessary provision because the United States did not have a standing army. Therefore, a citizen militia was needed to be able to be called at a moment’s notice. Yet in modern times, we have an established police force and a National Guard. We do not need laws that allow ignorant racists to roam the streets with firearms seeking vigilante justice.

Sadly, gun control legislation is not even on the radar. Strengthening gun control laws only gets talked about for a couple days after a major shooting tragedy occurs, and then it fades back into the woodwork again. A major reason for this is the powerful National Rifle Association, one of America’s most influential lobbies. Very few politicians dare to take the NRA on, and President Obama has done little for gun control legislation during his term in office. George Zimmerman should not have had that gun, and we must not lose sight of the fact that it was Zimmerman’s access to a gun that is primarily responsible for Trayvon Martin’s untimely and tragic death.



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