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Romney Lands Coveted KISS Endorsement

Tom Dotan |
April 3, 2012 | 2:34 p.m. PDT


Gene Simmons courtesy of Creative Commons
Gene Simmons courtesy of Creative Commons
Gene Simmons, political dilettante, male-makeup advocate, and Terry Gross' bete noir, announced Tuesday that he's adding his name to Mitt Romney's quickly filling endorsement list.

Simmons, who made the announcement on Fox and Friends and sandwiched the pick in between plugs for his new KISS-themed chain restaurant, said Romney makes the most business sense for America.

"Strictly speaking on the economy, and in my humble opinion, my pick is Mitt Romney," Simmons declared, sans face-paint. Earlier in the interview he spoke about the need to view the US as a profitable business that doesn't spend more than it takes in. While he voted for Obama in 2008, business is business.

"Stop making so much sense!" squealed Gretchen Carlson to the delight of her equally smitten colleagues.

Simmons later swatted away any ill will he and his KiSS bandmates may feel for again being overlooked by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

"It's nice that there's some back room politics in something called the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame," said Simmons, who instead paraded the existence of a KISS golf course, TV show, and Hello Kitty line. "To be honest with you, I don't give a squat."

Mitt Romney, has yet to comment on this endorsement. But with a victory in the Wisconsin primary tonight looking imminent, and the GOP nomination a veritable lock, team Romney can safely be expected to wish to rock and roll through the entirety of the crepuscule and enjoy the remainder of the days during the primary.

Or however that song goes.


Reach Tom Dotan here



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