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Prosecutor Decides No Grand Jury In Trayvon Martin Case

Hannah Madans |
April 9, 2012 | 12:47 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

courtesy Creative Commons
courtesy Creative Commons
A special prosecutor decided not to hand the case of George Zimmerman, the man who shot Trayvon Martin, to a grand jury.

The prosecutor said that this will not effect the outcome of the case.

Under Florida law, only first-degree murder cases require a grand jury present, reports USA Today.

Florida State Attorney Angela Corey will now decide if the state will press charges against Zimmerman.

"We want to believe that this would be a positive sign that the prosecutor has enough information to arrest Trayvon Martin's killer," the attorney for the Martin family told The Daily Beast.

Trayvon, 17, was killed by Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer on Feb. 26. Zimmerman was not arrested. He claimed he shot Martin in self-defense.



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