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Nicki Minaj Says Goodbye To Twitter

Christina Hong |
April 20, 2012 | 5:03 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Nicki Minaj (creative commons)
Nicki Minaj (creative commons)
The multi-personality singer, Nicki Minaj became absent from the Twitter World on Sunday, April 15. 

In an interview on BBC’s “Graham Norton Show,” Minaj said that one of the many personalities in her head told her to quit the social media site. 

“A voice in my head told me to delete my Twitter and that’s what I did. I had 11 million followers and I hope they will wait for me. I reply all the time and get to know them by name and I have a really personal bond with them…not all 11 million, but at least 10 of them a day,” said Minaj.

When asked if the singer would ever go back to Twitter, she replied saying, “I don’t know yet, I’m thinking about it. I miss my Barbz, please bear with me.”

After one of the singer’s fan sites, NickiDaily posted leaked music from Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded, Minaj stopped using her Twitter account.  “Like seriously, it’s but so much a person can take. Good f---ing bye,” she last tweeted before closing leaving the site.

While Minaj claims that the voice in her head told her to close the account, it could really be that she was not only upset about the leaked music but also the mixed feedback she received from Roman Reloaded.

She may be gone for now, but the Super Bass singer could possibly come back to Twitter since she will able to reactivate her account even after weeks of inactivity. 

Reach Christina Hong here.



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