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Daily Hollywood – “SNL” Shakeups, Kanye’s New Track, and More

N.D. Plume |
April 5, 2012 | 2:50 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

The cast of “Saturday Night Live” is going through some changes. This weekend, the cast will be adding a new member, but more buzzworthy is the rumor that Kristen Wiig, Andy Samberg, and Jason Sudeikis will be leaving the show after this season. All three have found success outside the program, but their contributions will sorely be missed. (Us Weekly)

Ira Glass and Owen Wilson are potentially teaming up on an HBO show about a man who leaves his life in order to help rescue children in Mexico. The creator of “Veronica Mars,” Rob Thomas, is also involved. (Variety)

Internet backlash has prompted Mary J. Blige and Burger King to publicly apologize for an ad featuring Mary J. singing about a chicken Snack Wrap. Apparently the final product was “unfinished,” and a new ad will be released later. (Vulture)

Kanye West released a new track yesterday, and his bravado has only seemed to get bigger since watching the throne with Jay-Z. “Theraflu” is a standalone track right now, but is this a sign of more material to come? At least for this writer, hopefully! (The Huffington Post)

Filed under “presidential pursuits”: President Obama will be hosting a special 50th anniversary screening of “To Kill A Mockingbird” at the White House. Fitting, since one could argue that he shares many of the same qualities as the film/book’s protagonist… (The Hollywood Reporter)



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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