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AP Style-check Software Launched

Braden Holly |
April 9, 2012 | 9:29 a.m. PDT

Executive Producer

AP Stylebook. Photo by Brian Warmoth and courtesy of Creative Commons.
AP Stylebook. Photo by Brian Warmoth and courtesy of Creative Commons.
Life got a little bit easier for journalists Monday as Equiom Linguistic Labs Inc. and the Associated Press launched new AP style-checking software.

The software, called StyleGuard, will function as a plug-in to Microsoft Office and work like current spell-check software.

The software had been in beta testing since December and was tested by thousands.

According to a press release on the StyleGuard website:

“We developed AP StyleGuard as a Microsoft Office enhancement, by integrating AP Stylebook to allow authors to interactively validate the quality and consistency of news articles, press releases and documents," said Bassam Saliba, co-founder of Equiom Linguistic Labs and an expert in Microsoft technologies.

The program currently works on Microsoft Windows XP and newer iterations of the Windows software.  There is no support yet for Mac users, but the developers are currently planning a Mac beta launch for June.



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