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Annual USC Food Truck Wars Supports A Cause

Julia Hodges |
March 26, 2012 | 11:06 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

USC Food Truck Wars (Chewse.com)
USC Food Truck Wars (Chewse.com)
The USC Panhellenic Council, Interfraternity Council and Chewse are hosting the annual Food Truck Wars on Thursday March 29th.

Head over to 28th Street and University (known as "The Row") between 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. and munch on delicious food in support of a great cause.

The participating trucks are being revealed one by one on the event’s Facebook page. So far, the confirmed trucks include Bollywood Bites, Crepes Bonaparte, Sweet E’s, No Jodas Cuban Truck and Del's Lemonade & Refreshments

Make sure to check the Food Truck Wars’ Facebook page over the next few days for more mouth-watering reveals! Clothing vendors including Simply Sporty, Our Imagination and Bunker Hill will be there as well. 

Ten percent of total profits made that night will go to Youth Exploring Passion (YEP). YEP is a USC student organization that provides mentoring to pregnant and parenting teens. The organization is the decided beneficiary after winning the pitch competition in which nearly 20 other USC nonprofits applied. 

Contact reporter Julia here



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