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"Khloe & Lamar" Recap: A Kardashian Is Cuffed

Anna Zhang |
March 5, 2012 | 10:16 a.m. PST

Staff Reporter

"Khloe and Lamar" airs Sundays on E! (E! Entertainment)
"Khloe and Lamar" airs Sundays on E! (E! Entertainment)
After a weeklong hiatus, “Khloe and Lamar” is back, showing more of Rob’s growing independence and Khloe’s undying care for Lamar (it’s reciprocated, of course, but Khloe fans know she’s always had that slightly-overbearing motherly vibe about her). 

Although Rob is an alum of the University of Southern California and therefore should already have a fabulous job with a fabulous life and a fabulous salary, this episode begins with his concern over his “career,” or lack thereof. 

No matter how many might argue that the Kardashian sisters do little to nothing with their lives, they do have careers: TV personalities (obviously), perfume lines, fashion lines, radio hosting, and business ownership, to name several. Rob, however, has been stuck in a rut for some time, and it’s finally getting to him.

Rob discusses his new interest in designing dress socks. Being the lovable but skeptical character that she is, Khloe is supportive of her little bro and happy about this sudden venture, but hopes he has the seriousness to follow through with it.

Meanwhile, Lamar is stuck in a rut of his own. The NBA lockout is still on, and he has doubts that he’ll even play at all for the rest of the season. It’s moments like this when you want to yell at the screen and tell him what’s coming…

Things get even more tense for Lamar when he’s at his photo shoot. During the shoot, Khloe pulls one of her mommy-moves and calls the studio to remind them to feed Lamar. According to her, if he doesn’t eat, he gets cranky. 

This makes perfect sense, of course, because any infant would get fussy when they’re hungry...oh, wait – Lamar Odom is 32-years-old. 

Rob’s sock venture has been progressing steadily. He meets with his friend Nick, who has just inherited his father’s company, hoping that discussing his thoughts and ideas with him will get him somewhere. 

Rob tells Khloe he feels she’s being negative about his project. He understands that every career he has tried thus far has been a failure, for lack of a better word, but poor Rob is looking for his family’s support no matter what. All who know the Kardashians know that’s one of their number one qualities: supporting each other.

Nick, however, ends up serving as Rob’s confidence-booster, advising him that no idea is too small if you’re passionate enough. He eventually works with a designer to put together a portfolio to present to manufacturers. Way to go, Rob.

Back at Khloe and Lamar’s place, Khloe is headed to a meeting when Lamar literally handcuffs himself to her in order to prove a point. How do you like it when someone’s at your side 24/7, Khlo?

The handcuffs stay on throughout a business dinner, bathroom breaks in surprisingly clean men’s public restrooms, and more. The cuffs finally come off once the couple returns home, but Khloe still doesn’t seem to get it. Upset, Lamar goes off for a drive on his own. 

The two finally openly discuss their issue. Lamar tells her that too much of this babying makes him feel like Khloe thinks of him as a child and not a man, something he could have just openly stated from the start, but hey, what’s reality TV without a little handcuff drama?

As usual, the episode ends with love and playfulness from the happy couple, involving a tackle onto their huge bed.

Reach reporter Anna Zhang here or follow her on Twitter here.



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