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JetBlue Captain Detained After Displaying Erratic Behavior

Amanda Martinez |
March 27, 2012 | 7:23 p.m. PDT

Executive Producer

(Creative Commons)
(Creative Commons)
A JetBlue flight heading to Las Vegas faced an unusual type of turbulence Tuesday--the pilot was detained mid-flight after displaying erratic behavior in the cockpit.

Noticing the strange behavior, the co-pilot locked the pilot, identified as Clayton Osbon, out of the cockpit after a trip to the restroom, said CNN.

“It seemed that something was off with him,” said Gabriel Schonzeit, a passenger in the third row. “Within a short period of time, he started screaming about Al Qaeda and possibly a bomb on the plane and Iraq and Iran and how we’re all going down.”

According to ABC News, passenger David Gonzalez wrestled Osbon to the ground before a group of men helped restrain the pilot with seatbelts.

"I knew there were about 130 people on the plane...families, kids...and I thought, this is not going to happen on my plane," said Gonzalez.

Law enforcement met the plane in Texas, where it was forced to make an emergency landing. The pilot was cuffed and removed from the plane, said CNN.

In response to the incident the Federal Aviation Administration released the following statement:

This morning, at approximately 9:53 a.m. Central Time, a Jet Blue flight en route to Las Vegas from New York JFK International Airport was diverted to Amarillo Rick Husband International Airport for an onboard medical emergency. Preliminary information indicates that after landing, it was learned that the co-pilot became concerned that the captain exhibited erratic behavior during the flight. The captain had exited the cockpit during the flight, after which the co-pilot locked the door. When the captain attempted to enter the locked cockpit, he was subdued by passengers. After the flight landed safely, local law enforcement secured the pilot without incident, and he was transported by ambulance for medical evaluation. The aircraft was towed to the terminal building and the passengers were safely deplaned from the aircraft. Passengers are currently awaiting continuation of their travel to Las Vegas. The FBI, FAA, TSA and local law enforcement are coordinating on this incident.

According to ABC News, the pilot is now in FBI custody.

Reach Amanda Martinez here



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