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Daily Hollywood – Miley Rocks Ring Finger Bling, James Cameron Dives Deep, and More

N.D. Plume |
March 26, 2012 | 3:09 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Are Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus engaged? The former Disney star (aka not Hemsworth) rocked a ring on her telling finger this weekend, but sources close to the stars deny that wedding bells are in the future for the couple. (People)

Sissy Spacek made her famous, but the two contenders for the iconic role of “Carrie” in the upcoming remake are Chloe Moretz (“Kickass,” “Hugo”) and Haley Bennett (the upcoming Terrence Malick film “Lawless”). (Vulture)

Rupert Boneham from “Survivor” is the latest entertainer to get political. He’s been nominated as a third-party candidate for Indiana’s governor’s race. (AP)

James Cameron became the first person ever to go solo into the very depths of the underwater Mariana Trench. The dive is part of his effort to learn more about the ocean depths, and was funded in part by National Geographic. (Deadline)

They’ve already guested on each others’ remix tracks, but Rihanna and Chris Brown might physically reunite on stage at Australia’s Supafest festival. (News AU)



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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