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Daily Hollywood – A “Bachelor” Proposal, Michael Bay Does Reality TV, and More

N.D. Plume |
March 13, 2012 | 12:03 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

The creator and stars of “Two and a Half Men” bantered at PaleyFest about a possible tenth season and Ashton Kutcher’s stay on the show. Neither has been confirmed by the network yet. (The Hollywood Reporter)

Want to know who “The Bachelor” Ben Flajnik propose to (if he proposed at all)? Then click ahead. (People)

Carrie Underwood released the music video for her new single “Good Girl” (see below). Her new album “Blown Away” is set to be released this May. (EW)

Michael Bay’s known for his explosive films, but now he’ll be tackling a different explosive environment: competitive family reality shows. (Deadline)

It’s a match made in the heavens. Stephen Hawking will have a cameo on “The Big Bang Theory” later on in its current season. (Vulture)



Craig Gillespie directed this true story about "the most daring rescue mission in the history of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

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