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"90210" Episode 20 Recap: "Blue Ivy"

Surabhi Srivastava |
March 28, 2012 | 8:45 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter


Liam and Silver share a moment. (CW Network)
Liam and Silver share a moment. (CW Network)
A town full of beautiful people, betrayal, love-hate relationships, and a whole lot of friend-cest. Nothing is for certain in the 90210 area. And I guess that's what keeps it going.

This season of "90210" has been a little scattered. Ever since Navid and Silver, Naomi and Austin, Annie and Liam, and Ivy and Raj broke up, the show just seemed off kilter.

This week's episode helped bring things back to equilibrium, with Navid's return, even if only briefly, and closure on Raj's character, even if it was through his death. Did anyone else find it a little awkward that Ivy has already dated two guys since Raj left her when she continuously claims to be broken over Raj? 

Navid and Silver stood out as one of the few couples with any actual substance and the hope for a real future together. Though they don't end up together, it was definitely nice to see them together once again.

Speaking of which, Liam and Silver? Why writers, just why? Those were the only two characters who hadn't been paired up yet, and they couldn't just be left alone could they?

At least Liam finally catches Vanessa for the fraud that she is. Too bad she runs away with all his hard earned money. Poor Liam, always getting the short end of the stick.

In other news, PJ proposes to Naomi! They both claim that the other could be the one and they're happier than ever. Oh wait, but PJ has a secret clause that requires him to get married before he turns 28 or he will lose all his money. Coincidence that he asks Naomi to marry him within a few weeks? I think not.

Unfortunately, he tells Annie about the clause and now she has to worry about telling her best friend the truth and breaking her heart. She has enough problems of her own for now, being in love with a priest that she can't pursue. She asks him to help Ivy through her grieving process, as she keeps pretending to be okay and doesn't own up to her loss. After she finally owns up to her loss, she slowly starts to lose it and goes surfing on a death wish into the middle of the night.

And then there's Dixon. He claims to love Adrianna more than anything in this world, and how does he show his love? By lying to her, hiding the truth from her, and choosing his career over her. He leaves on tour without saying goodbye and Adrianna is distraught.

Navid still cares about Silver and is hurt to find out she didn't tell him about the cancer test. Well that's because she was too busy confiding in Liam to care about poor old Navid. Now rumor has it that next week Navid once again starts pursuing Adrianna. I don't know about the rest of the viewers, but I most definitely do not want to go down that torturous path once again.

Relationships are so volatile on this show that it's hard to take any of them seriously. These young adults are struggling to figure out who they are, who they want to be, and who they want to be with. It's a long, messy journey, but at least it's more realistic than its fellow CW show, "Gossip Girl."

As much as I try to tear myself away from this show, it always pulls me back. Not because I find it particularly scintillating or the plot lines blow my mind, but because it's kind of like that train wreck or car accident you just can't ignore. And just like always, it will pull me back next week, as more relationships get turned upside down.

Tune in next week for your weekly dose of a little bit of glamour, a little bit of life, and a whole lot of drama. 

Reach writer Surabhi Srivastava here




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