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The Wonders Of Coconut Oil

Erika Ostroff |
February 29, 2012 | 2:02 p.m. PST

Staff Reporter

Whether you’re a dedicated yogi trying to refuel for your next downward dog or a just an average Joe looking for a refreshing thirst-quencher, coconut water has undoubtedly crossed your path. This miracle water seems to grace the shelves of supermarkets nation-wide and it has become more of a trend than a health supplement. But there is more to coconuts than the classic hula-girl tops and the super hydrating electrolyte-filled juice. A different form of the tree nut, coconut oil, is something worth investing in. 

Go nuts for coconuts with these coconut oil-infused products
Go nuts for coconuts with these coconut oil-infused products
It’s no wonder that women in India, Malaysia and the Philippines have thick and glossy heads of black hair. Coconut oil has been the shampoo and conditioner substitute in these countries since the beginning of time. Because coconut growth is plentiful throughout these coastal regions, they have squeezed out the nuts’ beneficial beauty properties – literally. Coconut oil is known to keep hair strong, healthy and full. The Vitamin E content perpetuates hair growth and the oil’s high fatty acid content acts as a remarkable moisturizer for anti-dandruff control.  But have no fear – there are ways to incorporate coconut oil into your beauty regimen even if you aren’t willing to take the traditional approach and get your hands dirty. Organix has a slew of hair merchandise with this refining coconut oil. The nourishing products combine coconut oil with coconut milk and protein to hydrate, strengthen and repair your hair.

If the unpredictable weather is making your skin go haywire or you’re merely looking for a natural remedy to moisturize, look no further than coconut oil. Coconut oil’s fat density is hard to break down, unlike most generic water-based products, yet it’s small molecular structure makes it easy to absorb, so it’s ideal for mega-strength moisturizing. While this helps soften the skin, coconut oil can do more than replenish rough cells. Coconut oil is especially rich in anti-oxidants. This helps protect the skin from damaging agents like free radicals from the sun. Kiss your Neosporin good-bye and bid your peroxide adieu – the lauric acid present in coconut oil has antimicrobial properties that reduce infections and kill bacteria. It also helps with breakout prevention and acne reduction. And you don’t have to worry about accidently ingesting some – the taste is great, but the results are even better! For ideal application, dap some coconut oil on a cotton ball and gently rub onto skin in a circular motion.  Lightly pat your skin to remove excess oil. Coconut oil is lightweight, so you should feel grease-free.

A low-calorie fat? Sounds like an oxymoron. But coconut oil is defying the fact that fat is not necessarily always fattening. In fact, health nuts, doctors and nutritionists around the world are gawking about coconut oil’s metabolism-boosting, weight-loss-inducing properties. Unlike typical “fats” that are made up of large chain fatty acids, coconut oil is made up of medium chain fatty acids. Medium chain fatty acids are different in that they are not broken down and stored in fat cells, but they go straight to the liver where they are converted into energy.  Don’t be fooled by the high rate of saturated fats in coconut oil. These saturated fats are different than the ones found in other types of oils. The high concentration of lauric acid has actually shown to help lower cholesterol, regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. Incorporate coconut oil into your meals to reap these dietary benefits. Try substituting it for butter or margarine or blend some in a fruit smoothie. For a light and refreshing salad dressing, mix 1/4 cup virgin coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of  vinegar and ½ teaspoon of honey. Add salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy the heart-healthy taste of the tropics!

Reach Erika Ostroff here.



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