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Taliban Claims Responsibility For Afghanistan Airport Bombing

Andrew McIntyre |
February 27, 2012 | 12:14 a.m. PST

Executive Producer

The Taliban is claiming responsibility for an Afghanistan airport suicide bombing Monday that killed nine and injured 12, according to authorities.

The attack is revenge for U.S. troops burning Qurans and other Islamic texts a week ago, insurgents say.

The control tower for the Jalalabad airport, where a suicide bomber detonated explosives early Monday morning (Wikimedia Commons)
The control tower for the Jalalabad airport, where a suicide bomber detonated explosives early Monday morning (Wikimedia Commons)

Early Monday morning, a bomber drove to the gates of Jalalabad airport in eastern Afghanistan and detonated explosives near a NATO-led International Security Assistance Force base.

Among those killed in the bombing were six civilians, Washington Post reported.

Violence across Afghanistan has escalated since the U.S. book burning - for which the American officials have apologized - with more than 30 killed since.

On Sunday, Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai condemned the Quran burnings.

Karzai, in a televised address, from BBC:

"Now that we have shown our feelings it is time to be calm and peaceful."



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