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"Pretty Little Liars" Recap: Family Secrets And More Family Secrets

Olivia Steinberg |
February 7, 2012 | 12:49 a.m. PST

Staff Reporter

"Pretty Little Liars" airs Monday on ABC Family (ABC Family)
"Pretty Little Liars" airs Monday on ABC Family (ABC Family)
Every family has their own secrets, even those that are newly formed. 

After a nude photo of Hanna’s stepsister, Kate, circulated around the entire school, Hanna was pushed to the very edge.

In this week’s episode of "Pretty Little Liars," Hanna faced possible expulsion and received disapproving looks from just about everyone at Rosewood High School. 

While Vice Principal Tamborelli did not expel Hanna for the malicious act, he did force her to participate with Kate during “Truth Up Day,” a school-wide event that encouraged the students to express their true feelings to one another. 

Aria’s group, which included Caleb and Jenna, was led by none other than Jason Dilaurentis, who had just returned from Georgia. (Thank god, because he’s such a cutie!)

During their activities, Aria received a very strange text message from ‘A.’ “Truth hurts, sweetie. May hurt your new pal more than you.” A bit ironic, since Truth Up Day was meant to help the students, not hurt them.

Meanwhile, Hanna came to tears as her entire group judged her for sending out the photo.

She found solace with Caleb, who had previously been stirring up some tension of his own. 

During his group activities, Caleb confronted Jenna after she claimed girls at the school assaulted her. According to him, Jenna threw the first punch. 

As if his clarifications weren’t enough to make Jenna mad, Caleb challenged her even further, adding, “Oh yeah, and this is Caleb, just in case you were confused.” Ballsy, eh? 

At the same time, Emily, Aria, and Spencer dealt with their own issues.

Emily, who was refused a spot on the swim team after the girls were framed with the shovel that killed Alison, worked with Mona to blackmail Vice Principal Tamborelli.

Aria, who helped Hanna search for Caleb and ran into Jenna and Noel instead, faced her own scare on the roof as she was grabbed from behind. 

Big kudos to Holden for rescuing her, but how exactly he was able to drop that impressive sidekick with that huge bruise on his side still beats me. 

Spencer’s secret – or should I say, her dad’s secret – was probably the craziest of them all.

Not only did we find out that Jason and Spencer’s sister had a thing, but we also found out that Jason, Spencer, and Melissa are all related.

Yep, that’s right! Spencer’s father is also the father of Jason Dilaurentis.

But it isn’t just Spencer’s family with the trust issues. 

After accidentally revealing a birthmark that wasn’t in the nude photo, Kate admitted she sent the picture herself and surprised everyone, including her own mother.

Meanwhile, Spencer returned Vivian Darkbloom’s claim ticket and received a red raincoat with an unknown number in the pocket. 

After calling it, leaving a voicemail, and receiving threats from an unidentified girl not to call back again, the girls got a call from a man at the same number. 

“I have some questions of my own,” he said, right before he proposed to meet in person.

Reach reporter Olivia Steinberg here



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