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Poll Shows Growing Support For Gay Marriage In California

Ryan Faughnder |
February 29, 2012 | 10:59 a.m. PST

Executive Editor

Fifty-nine percent of California voters now say they support same-sex marriage (pdf), according to a new Field Poll, significantly more than the 51 percent who said they supported it in 2010. The poll showed that the vast majority of voter subgroups, including Catholics and those 65 and older, support same-sex marriage more than they oppose it. 

(Creative Commons)
(Creative Commons)

Republicans and conservatives in the state still largely oppose gay marriage, but support among those groups is growing. Among Republicans, those who currently support gay marriage make up 39 percent. In 2010, they were 26 percent in favor.

California, which current bans same-sex marriage under the ballot initiative Proposition 8 passed in 2008, has more same-sex households than any other state. The ban was overturned by District Court Judge Vaughn Walker, a decision that was recently upheld by a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The case is likely headed to the U.S. Supreme Court, eventually.

Recent legislation passed in Washington and Maryland state legislatures means that the number of states allowing same-sex marriage will rise to eight. It is likely like some of these laws allowing gay marriage will face voter referedums attempting repeal. In New Hampshire, a two-year-old law allowing same-sex marriage is facing a likely repeal by its own legislature, though that state's governor says he will veto the measure. 

Reach Ryan Faughnder here




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